This class, led by Patricia A. Nugent, meets every Monday evening in June
June 5, 12, 19 & 26 from 6:15-8:15pm Reservations required.
Your seat will be saved upon receipt of your check mailed to SVAN,
PO Box 660, Northvile, NY 12134
COST Members: $45 Non-members: $55
To register contact
Journaling is an effective and therapeutic tool for better understanding ourselves and others, managing daily stress and anxiety, improving overall health, healing old wounds, and finding answers within. There are strategies for maximizing the personal benefits by going beyond simple diary-type entries. This class will review best practices in the art of journaling, as well as offer opportunities and reasons to “go deeper.” Both long-time journal-keepers and beginners will benefit. Writing experience not required; confidentiality will be expected. Bring paper and a writing instrument to first class but do not purchase a journal...yet.
Text: “They Live On: Saying Goodbye to Mom and Dad” by Patricia A. Nugent, Journal Arts Press. Available from instructor at first class for $13, including tax.
Leader: Patricia A. Nugent, long-time SVAN member, is a retired school administrator and adjunct faculty who now writes to give voice to those who might otherwise be silenced. She is an author and editor; her two published memoirs were drawn directly from her personal journals. Most importantly, she is a life-long journaler and highly recommends the practice, especially during these unsettling times.